Well in 2015 we welcomed 7 girls to Tejus Home aged between 13 and 17 years.

One of the girls had just given birth but given the complicated family

and social issues surrounding her pregnancy, she was sent to us so she

could relax, be in a non-judgemental environment and take decisions

about her and her baby's future.The others were between 9 and 32 weeks pregnant

and had all decided togive their babies for adoption. Also most of them have gone back to

their studies having left Tejus Home.All in all we are completely satisfied that the

work we have done withthese girls is beneficial to their current situation and that of their

futures.We thank INCA for their ongoing trust and support in our organisation.

This photo was taken during a doll-making workshop.

Kind regards,


PS: On 16th March we officially open our Child Advocacy Centre for

prevention and healing of child sexual abuse!


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